Friday, May 11, 2007

Treatment, Not Jail, For Paris Hilton!!

Paris Hilton's is appealing to get out of jail but she probably won't.

But maybe she shouldn't go to 45 days in jail. This might not be best, actually. Because the rightwing way of jailing people doesn't always work. After 45 days, she'll be back on the streets, and she might drive without a license again.

Just as the Progressives gave us parole and probation they also taught us a thing or two about rehabilitation. They brought this into our democracy.

I have thought for a long time that some people should get treatment, not jail. Drug addicts, especially marijuana addicts, should probably have treatment programs if they get caught, especially. Under the current law, a lot of these people are not even rehabilitated! They are caught and then let go after paying some fine or something. Real compassion would mean having them learn how to become better citizens, happy people so they don't need drugs.

And as with Paris Hilton, it's basically the same principle involved. Hilton will be in jail but will soon enough be out without having learned anything. So we need to replace a 45 day jail policy with maybe a 90 day treatment policy. I imagine several components for a real progressive policy on this:

• It should be a 90 day term at a treatment location.
• The patient should be allowed to have visitors at certain hours each day.
• There should be teachers – fully funded, not underpaid – to give lessons on the problems with driving without a license or drugs or littering or whatever the offense. This should be about eight hours a day, maybe, but with breaks for exercise.
• Patients should get to talk with each other at designated times.
• Food should be provided that is nutritious and balanced. Vegan should probably be an option. (No cruel and unusual punishment!)
• There should be instructional videos and a test
• Mental screening for all patients, just to see if they truly have mental problems (we need to nip this in the bud right off! We might find another Cho or McVeigh before he kills dozens or hundreds of people. Then we can treat them before they kill!!)
• Everything should be integrated so no one's Civil Rights are in jeopardy
• After discharge from the hospital, the patient should check in once a week for a year or two, just so the government knows he's reformed

This would be a humane way to go about it. And it would help us actually address the problem of why people disobey the democractic rules of America. It would bring us back to the progressive vision of the progressive men and women who first tried to reform our system to make the sick people who commit crimes reform themselves instead of just be punished or pay off their victims, that way they can pay off their debt to society too and become upstanding citizens. We can find problems before they start.

Our progressive forefathers and mothers knew you had to go right for the inner workings of the person to bring him in line with social needs, which is why they tried (and tragically failed) to get rid of alcohol addiction. They were ahead of their time, but they should have used more treatment there. They were progressive though because they knew alcohol was probably more bad than even marijuana and so needed to be a addressed. Today's rightwingers have it backwards! They jail you for marijuana but let you drink as much liquor as you want! (Probably because corporate rightwingers have stock in liquor and bars!)

In Paris' case, a good bit of treatment might make her understand the importance of road safety. Also maybe she can be taught not to abuse her body, too, which is a bad example for all the girls. Eventually, maybe we can have treatment to find out why women objectify themselves which is bad for all kids to learn from.

Treatment, not just jail: It's the progressive way to actually change people's behavior for the common good.

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