Monday, April 30, 2007

Global Warming on Mars?

Some wacko global warming denialist sent me this ho-hum article in National Geographic about how global warming is also happening on Mars. He thinks this means there's no global warming here, because humans aren't on Mars, so how'd we cause it there?What he failed to tell me is that as the article points out (you actually have to read down past a few sentences):
By studying fluctuations in the warmth of the sun, Abdussamatov believes he can see a pattern that fits with the ups and downs in climate we see on Earth and Mars.

Abdussamatov's work, however, has not been well received by other climate scientists.(Bold added)

Uh huh. Try to pull a fast one on me, just so you can keep driving your gas guzzling SUV and hurt American honor and troops in a war for oil in Iraq instead of where the real threats are.

Well, I'm not buying it. As Naomi Oreskes, a director of science studies at the University of California put it: "There is a scientific consensus on the fact that Earth's climate is heating up and human activities are part of the reason." (Bold added)

So maybe Mars is warming for a different reason... Or maybe we really all have polluted the earth that much. Is it so hard to believe our driving around all the time to the malls and to our big corporate workplaces might have had an effect beyond just our atmosphere?Besides, there's not reason it is hard to believe that just because some of the Earth's temperature is caused by non-human reasons doesn't means there's not human ones as well.

Despite the rightwing and corporate America, I continue to stand shoulder and shoulder with the scientific consensus, thank you very much.

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